Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 14th February 2018
0161 723 2000
8AM to 5PM
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 14th February 2018
When I was a young boy I had a friend, whose brother kept asking… ‘why?’ …. every time somebody asked him to do anything.
This became annoying after about five minutes and completely insufferable over any longer period of time. The problem was made worse by the fact his parents were ‘modern’ in their child rearing skills and had made the decision to tolerate this behavior with incredible patience.
‘Can you turn the radio down Robert’
‘Because nobody can hear what they are saying to each other’
‘Because your radio is on really loud’
‘Because you have turned it up’
Etc. etc.
My father would have simply clipped me round the ear hole and said – ‘because I bloody told you to…. that’s why…’
I thought of this irritating child this morning when I was discussing sales with the team at JKSL. I assumed the role of the irritating teenager asking – why do people use JKSL …?
There were various answers from the team to which I kept repeating…. ‘…but why?’
It’s a difficult question to answer.
There are now lots of companies offering Japanese knotweed eradication services many of them coming from industries with a similar skill set – such as demolition contractors or hauliers and muck away companies. These ‘associated’ industries often come at the problem with their own wagons and sometimes their own tip facilities and can undercut our prices significantly.
So why …? would anyone choose to use JKSL over a company offering a cheaper price?…
Well –
If you can find another company that can offer all of the above and still offer better prices than ours – then please use them.
Why wouldn’t you?
Mike C