
What’s gone wrong

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 9th October 2024

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something’s up with the state of the world.

When I wake up in the morning, to when I go to bed at night …I seem to have a constant feeling that something bad is about to happen? Is this anxiety? Is this depression?

When I try and put my finger on it, I think it’s just being bombarded with bad news from the minute you start the day until you put your head on the pillow at night.

Taxes, war, Trump, Harry and what’s her name, disasters, rain, traffic, bills, bills, taxes, more tax….never ending criticism of everybody ….

My theory is that this is down to being on my mobile way too much and being updated with all this crap constantly…

I’ve tried to kick the habit by leaving the bloody thing downstairs at night and have even occasionally thought – I’m going for a walk …WITHOUT MY GODDAMN PHONE.

Then of course you remember that you need your phone to;

Count your steps.

Pay for a coffee.

Order things from Amazon.

Keep track of your e-mails.

…and of course the ever present threat of …. ‘What if you have an accident?’.

Then it occurred to me that not that long ago …we didn’t have bloody mobile phones….and yet ….we survived.

I am actually old enough to remember getting our first fax machine in the office, trying out my new car phone by sitting on the drive and phoning home, first stabs at internet connectivity …and of course my first mobile phone.

Was it better or worse without all this technology … ?????

Thoughts anyone?


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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