What now?
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 31st January 2018
0161 723 2000
8AM to 5PM
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 31st January 2018
OK …so you’re up to speed on Japanese knotweed. You’ve read the blogs, you’ve been on the web site …you might even have listened to Mike Clough at a presentation or attended a seminar….but ..what have YOU actually ‘done’?
Are you aware that Japanese knotweed is simply one of our problem plants in the UK? Can you name any others…? Invasive species are here to stay and are pretty much prevalent on every brown-field site in the UK. Have you done anything about advising colleagues or updating your risk assessment at the office…?
At the end of the day people like you need to step up and take responsibility for the environment immediately around you. It would be great to think that your local authority were ‘on the case’ with invasive species… but …they’re not. It would be great to think that the Environment Agency were ‘on the case’ ….but ….they’re not.
ALL of our government funded bodies are struggling to cope with the increased demands put on them – and I’m afraid that leaves invasive species management as a pretty low priority…..
That pretty much leaves you in charge.
Yes …YOU…
You know when you went for that walk with the dog and spotted new growth of Japanese knotweed by the back of the factory and you identified it? Don’t just identify it …do something more – tell the factory owner – take a picture – tell the local paper …..channel that Mr Angry vibe that you reserve for your other half when she interrupts the football or when he leaves the kitchen a mess after he’s cooked.
Write that letter – post that picture on Facebook – tweet about it.
If nothing happens then why not have a go at managing the problem with a couple of friends. Obviously get the landowners permission – don’t go breaking any laws ….but the power of being ‘right’ will get you a long way ….
It’s up to each of us to stand up and be counted. It’s up to each of us to take a little bit of responsibility for looking after the place in which we live.
By ‘the Place’ I mean planet Earth – don’t just watch David Attenborough and talk about his programmes around the water cooler.
Do something that would make Dave proud of you …
Mike C