Stop, think before you sign…
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 22nd May 2019
0161 723 2000
8AM to 5PM
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 22nd May 2019
We have been losing work to some ridiculously low prices of late.
When I say ridiculously low, I mean so low …that the company cannot possibly be covering their overhead costs.
Now this may at first sound a great thing for you. You wanted a cheap price and you’ve got a cheap price.
However please do the maths.
If your chosen knotweed contractor charges you a low price…a price so low that he cannot keep trading ….who’s the bigger fool?
…the person that pays a reasonable price and when he has a problem he rings the reputable company that’s still trading ….or the person that goes cheap and when he has a problem the phone number he rings is dead.
Just saying.
Mike C