
Selling a House Nonsense

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 24th January 2024

Why does it have to be so difficult to sell a house? Should it really need to be so painfully long winded… or are certain professions just milking it for everything they can get?

I’m in the process of selling my mums house. Having waited over 8 months for probate – thus missing the period when houses were selling for ‘over list’ and am now trying to move a property when the market is dead.

I’m completely fed up of been told that the solicitors are ‘really busy’ and will ‘get round’ to your problem ‘when they get chance’ …

Why does it have to be such a mystery of letters and agreements?

Shouldn’t we just be able to say – sale agreed, any problems then the vendor is liable – I’m talking obvious stuff like boundary issues, planning permissions etc etc

Our house sale has been delayed whilst we looked for a planning permission for a tiny extension that was carried out 50 years ago. Is this really something that could become an issue? 50 years after it’s been built are the planning department going to insist on tearing down a 3m by 3m kitchen extension that is overlooked by nobody?

Central heating paperwork, boiler guarantee, solar panel manufacturer – delay after delay after delay.

All of which just adds to the coffers of the solicitors.

The estate agent seems to spend most of his time on the golf course and makes everything more complicated than it needs be.

Multiple questions from the purchaser could have easily been answered by putting us in touch with each other, but this is deemed a ‘bad idea’ as this is the estate agents role and what he is being ‘paid for’. I can’t help thinking a little less time on the golf handicap and maybe the house sale would go through quicker.


Let’s vote for a simpler system and get the world moving forward.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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