
Men Don’t Cry

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Thursday 17th October 2024

The old Mike Clough was never one for believing all this namby pamby stuff that’s floating around about ‘mental health’.

He would have tended to think that people make up these tags to cover up that they’re trying to avoid too much work …so they flag up ‘mental health issues’ and everyone backs away and avoids asking them to do anything.

You’re all seething at me now aren’t you?

Well I did start by saying ‘the old Mike Clough’.

The ‘old Mike Clough’ was a bit of a ‘d**k’ (actual quote from my wife)…

The new Mike Clough actually has a therapist …and regularly has sessions where he opens up about stress and various issues that are causing him to lose sleep and to react in predetermined ways that are maybe not in the best interest of his health …

So I now recognise my ‘triggers’ and try and manage my reactions in a more measured way,  I’m also being more aware of the feelings of others …and listening to what people are actually saying.

I’m trying not to talk over people and am letting them finish what they’re saying – and taking on board what they are asking for.

It’s a long journey and I’m not saying I’m now sorted …but …I haven’t hit anybody in ages…. and my average driving speed is now within the legal limits.


Mike (tell me about your childhood) C

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Mike Clough

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