

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 7th February 2018

Going out on a random streak with this blog – but have you been to Liverpool recently?

Now if you’re my age …anything to do with Liverpool carries a bit of a health warning.

In Manchester we were all brought up thinking that there was a passport requirement needed when heading into Liverpool …and that if you did venture in…you were unlikely to get out in one piece …and you’d certainly have a stab wound.

Cars in Liverpool didn’t go anywhere as they were all permanently on bricks because somebody had nicked the wheels. If (as above) you ever ventured into Scouse land with your car – it would get stolen or broken up for parts.

We were also told that nobody ever worked in Liverpool and that the entire city was on the dole …

Everybody supported the home football team and would happily die for their club – preferably being allowed to have their ashes spread at the ‘Kop’ end.

So…it was with some concern that I heard the news that my daughter had got a job in the city and would be moving there permanently. We almost had a wake when we were told. I consoled myself with the fact that we had another daughter and that she lived near the home of the better football club and was sharing her home with a die-hard united fan.

Go forward a little in time ….(floaty music playing ) …and boy have my opinions changed. Several visits later and I can safely say –

LIVERPOOL …I love you.

Talk about having pre-conceptions thrown out of the window – talk about feeling pretty stupid. Liverpool is now just one of my favourite places ….ever.

LIVERPOOL …city of culture

Great people, great places to eat, great places to stay…and (so far) my car has stayed in one piece ….

I’m recommending;

Stay at – Blackburne Terrace – the most amazing stylish bed and breakfast/boutique hotel

Eat at – ‘The Art School’ or ‘Wreckfish’ or a multitude of places too numerous to mention

Wander down – Bold Street – coffee shops, eateries deli’s etc. etc.

Visit – the docks, the Museums the Shopping Centre

Talk to – anybody ….they’re all friendly and helpful

Look out for – young ladies in curlers (they’re going out later and have had a blow dry) and tracksuits (they’ve just had a spray tan)

Watch on Telly – Hollyoaks – my daughter is a make-up artist for the program.

Greatest city break ever.

Mike C

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Mike Clough

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