
Life….is a journey

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Tuesday 29th November 2022

Life….is not a straight line. There is no linear progress. Life is just everything, everywhere all at once. Profound stuff but nothing new …most people will be well up to speed on just how random every day can be.

Last week for example, I was having a pretty shitty day. The weather was foul, it was cold, it was miserable, I’d been cut up by various idiots in traffic, I’d had the usual person that you let out in front of you – who didn’t give the obligatory ‘wave’, then I’d made the mistake of watching the news – climate change, heating bills, cost of living, floods, hurricanes, strikes, changes of prime minister, a money laundering king …jeez…shoot me now.

So, I was feeling pretty low.

On a scale of one to ten, I was hovering over a three.

I got home and it was still raining but the dog needed walking – so coat on I headed out of the door and started on our usual walk along the river – when suddenly I realised that I was looking at …a kingfisher.

It was sat on a branch hanging precariously over the fast-flowing water and was totally unaware of my presence.

I just sat transfixed until the moment it shot off downstream in a flash of iridescent green.

My mood was immediately uplifted.

Life was good again.

Everything that had seemed so important was suddenly just a distant memory ….and breathe.

Nature …just a wonderful tonic in a sometimes shitty world.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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