
Just Plain Lazy

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Have we become a nation of lazy, good for nothing, work-shy halfwits? The jury is out as far as I’m concerned. On a daily basis I see evidence that suggests that we lack the backbone to do a full day’s work and that everyone is looking for a short cut?

We recently had road works outside our house. Access to services was via a manhole in the pavement but due to health and safety regulations the road had to be coned off and traffic lights put in place.

This caused chaos on the main road.

Queues up the road, queues down the road, bad tempered exchanges, people wanting to get to work and people wanting to get home.

The …‘labour force’ …carrying out the work had zero cares about the issues they were causing. I observed four of them arrive and then stand looking at their mobile phones drinking tea. Then I watched them climb in the cabin of their van and go to sleep. They ‘worked for about half an hour, then they had another brew and another sleep – then they went home about 3.30pm leaving the traffic lights (and the road chaos) in place.

The following morning, they arrived and took down the traffic lights and left without doing any additional work. So….basically, the lights were left on overnight for no reason. The road was in chaos for no reason.

The grass outside my house is cut by the council every once in a while – I would hesitate to say ‘regularly’ – the road workers left a metal sign saying… ‘Road Works’… on the grass. The guy on the small tractor didn’t get off and collapse the sign or move it to one side …he simply mowed round it…so he didn’t have to get off his arse.

Later in the day the road works team came and picked up the sign leaving a perfectly round area of long grass …which will no doubt be there until the next cut takes place (if ever).

I regularly watch the Parks Department butchering the local park with obviously no skill set and no interest in horticulture. They have bonus systems for edging and bonus systems for leaf blowing …so grass edges get done every week which is totally unnecessary, and the lawn areas reduce every time it’s done.

Leaves are blown as soon as they fall, which reduces nutrients being passed back into the soil which reduces fertility and increases water loss from the soil surface.

….but who cares right? …We’re on a bonus …

I cannot understand how people get these jobs and retain their jobs whilst having no interest in what they’re doing?

Where are the skilled gardeners and people who love horticulture when the parks that we love are being destroyed by ignorance?

Mike C grumpy as ever.

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Mike Clough

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