Japanese Knotweed Management Plan


Our Japanese knotweed management plans are designed to give you the information and peace of mind that your infestation is being eradicated effectively. Consisting of different methods we tailor the plan to your exact needs and infestation extent.


What is Japanese knotweed?

Described by the Environment Agency as “indisputably the UK’s most aggressive and invasive plant”, Japanese knotweed has become the scourge of home and land owners, sprouting up in gardens, building sites and wildlife areas around the country. The pervasive weed has the potential to grow and spread at rapid rates, this is why our Japanese knotweed management plan is an essential weapon in your armoury to fight against this invasive weed.

Identify Your Weed

Do you think you have a Japanese
knotweed infestation?

send in a photo

Image 1 | Japanese knotweed | JKSL

Detailed Desk-Based Site Study and Report

We start the process via a detailed desk-based site study, reviewing old maps, historical data, past uses, and any available ecological surveys. This groundwork can help predict potential challenges and restrictions connected with site development and helps educate a bespoke Japanese knotweed management plan, designed for your requirements.

Site Information Including Extents, Access, Constraints, and Considerations

We assess the site’s physical dimensions, accessibility, and potential limitations. Consider topographical features, local wildlife, neighbouring properties, and other factors that may influence the study or future development.

Evaluation of Site Boundaries

We review your site’s boundaries for potential encroachments, including vegetation like Japanese knotweed. Ensure accurate boundary lines to prevent potential legal disputes.

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Don’t Let That Suspicious Weed Grow

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Japanese Knotweed Management Plan Survey Results

We conduct a thorough physical inspection of the area for the presence of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), to aid us in developing a strategy to eradicate the plants and rhizomes.

Image 2 | Japanese knotweed | JKSL

JKSL Japanese Knotweed Location Plan

We document the location of any Japanese knotweed infestations using the JKSL location plan for precise tracking and Japanese knotweed management.

Site-Specific Recommendations and Associated Costings

Based on survey results, we proceed to formulate personalised recommendations for a Japanese knotweed management plan. Forecast the costs associated with each strategy, such as herbicide chemical treatments, excavation, or root barrier installation. As well as timelines for full eradication.

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Assessment of Site Development (If Applicable)

Evaluate the potential impact of knotweed on proposed site development. If construction is planned, additional measures might be needed to prevent the spread of knotweed during ground disturbance.

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Image 3 | Japanese knotweed | JKSL

Don’t Let That Suspicious Weed Grow

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Invasive Species Risk Assessment

Assess the potential risk of other invasive species in the area, not just Japanese knotweed. We take into account the local climate and ecology, which can influence the likelihood of invasive species presence and their impact on the site.

Assessment of Likely Contamination Pathways

Identify possible pathways for knotweed to spread or re-infest, including via soil, water, or human activity. Understanding these pathways is crucial for an effective Japanese knotweed management plan, prevention and removal.

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Image 4 | Japanese knotweed | JKSL

RICS Management Category Assessment

Employ the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Management Categories to evaluate your site and its knotweed problem. These categories can guide your strategy and help you understand the potential impact on property value.

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No. It is not illegal to have Japanese knotweed on your land and you do not have a legal duty to notify anyone that you have Japanese knotweed on your land.

However, there are laws which cover the spread and transport of Japanese knotweed, and without taking action it is possible that you may commit an offence, or be liable for action in the civil courts (you could be sued).

It is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to plant or cause Japanese knotweed to grow in the wild. Prosecutions are rare however, and JKSL are not aware of any charges brought under this legislation for allowing Japanese knotweed to spread into a domestic property.

Japanese knotweed (and soil or other material containing Japanese knotweed) is considered “controlled waste” under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This means that if you move Japanese knotweed off your land there are various legal duties in how the waste is managed. Controlled waste can only be taken to licensed landfill – this is expensive, the material needs to be booked in with the landfill and there are limited sites which will accept Japanese knotweed materials.


You do not have any legal responsibility to treat Japanese knotweed – however (as outlined above), there are laws which cover what you must, can and cannot do with Japanese knotweed material.

In addition, there have been cases in the civil court where neighbours have been successfully sued for damages for allowing Japanese knotweed to affect adjacent properties.

Local authorities have the power to issue a “community protection notice” (CPN) to compel you to treat Japanese knotweed if it can be shown that you are causing an impact on “local amenity” through your failure to treat or manage the plant.

A Bristol company was prosecuted and fined £18,000 plus costs in 2018 for failing to comply with a CPN which ordered the control of Japanese knotweed on their land. The company was also ordered to secure a management plan from a specialist company within a month of the judgement.


Japanese knotweed is not the most damaging of plant species – but it can grow through tarmac and through small gaps or weaknesses in paving, concrete and other surfaces.

Where construction works are carried out in areas where Japanese knotweed is present, we have seen cases where the plant grows up through floorboards, or between gaps between the old and new construction, resulting in Japanese knotweed plants growing inside a house or commercial building. When this occurs, treatment becomes significantly more complex.