

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Surely, I can’t be the only person out there who actually likes driving? I currently feel that admitting this is up there with confirming that you worship the devil and dance naked around the garden when the moon is full.

I’ve liked cars since I was a little lad buying matchbox cars with my spending money.

I had toy versions of the Batmobile, James Bond’s Aston Martin, Hot Rod Racers, trucks, fire engines, a tank, a Jeep, Jaguars, Fords and even a Mini.

I sat in the back of my dad’s various ‘dad cars’ – Vauxhalls, Allegros, Triumph Dolomite and the Austin Princess – trying to hide with embarrassment whilst Tr7’s drove past and Jaguars left us in their dust.

I yearned for the Lotus Carlton or the Cosworth Fords – the XR3 or even an XR2 would have kept me happy.

These were the years when getting a car meant freedom and girls*.

My first car was an MG and I never really looked back from that point, always looking for the next power upgrade, sports exhaust of modified piece of kit that would make me ‘king of the road’ …

It also made me work that little bit harder.

I ….ASPIRED…. for better things. The bigger, faster car being a target that was always on my agenda.

I do feel this has been lost with today’s youth. Nobody I come across seems that bothered about anything. Maybe the next game console is yearned for – but – it’s not REAL is it…it’s a game.

A car was something you could wash and polish – and see on your drive when you woke up in the morning.

It was something you went to work in and tried to beat your fastest time on your journey to the office. It was something you looked forward to at the end of the day when you could put your foot down and let the wind blow in your hair as you made your way through traffic on the way back to home.

It was something you were proud of.

I’m sorry ..but …for me ….electric cars just don’t inspire this sort of love.

I think Teslas are the most ugly, boring looking cars on earth. Yes… blah blah blah… I know they go quickly from 0 to 60 …but they do it with zero style.

I think Elon Musk is weird. I don’t trust him.

So… yes… – you will find me dancing naked in my garden at full moon …and Lucifer is on speed dial.


Mike C

 * Sorry, I know this is politically incorrect, but it was true in 1980.

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Mike Clough

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