
Harry and Meghan

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 22nd January 2020

I seriously do not give a flying f**k about the royal family.

All my life I have thought that they were all a bunch of spoiled, self-important, money-grabbing leeches who know nothing about the real world.

They are no different than you or I, other than at some point in their lives a relative managed to either steal or bully their way into land ownership ….and it’s just continued ever since.

Phillip – we know you drove into that car recently – you shouldn’t have been driving and the police should have prosecuted you.

The recent ‘revelations’ about Andrew are not ‘shocking’ – he’s been an arrogant twat all his life and just continues to think he’s above the law. Just own up you moron – we all know you did it.

Harry and Meghan – just give the tax payer back the £2.4 million you squandered on the house you aren’t going to live in. You want to be ‘self-sufficient’ – do it then – but don’t ask us to pay for it ffs.

Charles is just a parody of himself and don’t start me on his wife. They were having an affair before Diana passed away – and I’m pretty sure her death wasn’t an accident. All way too convenient for my liking.

William and Kate – just too sugary for my liking.

Sorry …

Had to get that off my chest.

There’s my chance of being made a knight pretty much in the can.


Sir Mike Clough

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Mike Clough

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