
Dog Versus Wife

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Tuesday 15th November 2022

Walking along with my other half a few days ago and we got onto a random conversation about who is the most important person in your life.

The discussion centered on who you would save in the event of a sudden crisis.

Imagine you’re walking along a cliff top with your mother and your husband, and the ground begins to collapse. You have time to save one person …but only one …which do you save…your husband or your mother?

So, my wife without any hesitation said… ‘Well obviously I’d save my mother…’


So, in my head I started to think about recent goings on in our house hold –

I arrive home and my dog comes rushing to the door. She barks, she squeals – she wants a tummy rub and she will not leave me alone until she’s had some quality cuddling time.

My wife when I get home barely looks up from the latest podcast that she’s listening to and waves her tea mug at me for another brew.

I was in court recently for a driving offence and was banned for six months.

I got home and my dog comes rushing to the door. She barks, she squeals – she wants a tummy rub and will not leave me alone until she’s had some quality cuddling time.

My wife when I get home from court starts on at me…. ‘You’re an idiot, when will you learn, grow up, get a life, how are you going to get to work, don’t expect me to drive you everywhere!’ …

All I’m saying here is…imagine you’re walking along a cliff top with your wife and your dog and the ground begins to collapse …..


Just saying.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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