Definitely maybe …
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 19th August 2020
0161 723 2000
8AM to 5PM
Author: Mike Clough
Date Posted: Wednesday 19th August 2020
Ever got your Knotweed mixed up with your Balsam, or your Buttercup mixed with your Ragwort…?
It can be a painful experience, particularly if one of these plants is a problem plant and the other is just a plant in the wrong place at the wrong time.
We were recently asked for a comparable price for works to remove Japanese knotweed rhizome by an elderly lady in West Yorkshire. She had been quoted £35,000 to excavate and remove Knotweed roots from her land …and thought maybe this was a little pricey.
On visiting her property, we advised that the plant in question was actually a small growth of sycamore, which did not merit the 3 meters deep and 7 meters in all directions quoted by her contractor.
This a situation being repeated throughout the country by unscrupulous contractors after making a quick few quid.
Many ‘Knotweed contractors’ come from a background in sales, be it double-glazing or automotive …and very few have any horticultural experience.
To be quite honest, they’ve jumped on a band wagon and think they can make a few quid before moving on to the next ‘in thing’. They offer ten year in-house warranties ‘free of charge’ because they know they won’t still be trading in ten years …so why bother worrying about the implications of warranty claims.
Japanese Knotweed Solutions was set up by me. I’m a qualified landscape architect. I love plants and I love the environment. I was the first person to set up a company solely dealing with Japanese knotweed and I continue to stand at the forefront of a quality-controlled and regulated service.
When employing your Knotweed contractor, check they are a member of one of the two trade bodies, either INNSA or the cheaper less regulated PCA…then maybe check they know their Knotweed from their Balsams …
Then maybe check they know their arse from a hole in the ground.
Then give us a call.
Mike C