

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 29th April 2015

Every week, I do an analysis on our Google Adwords account, to see what people searched for to lead them to our website.

It may sound a little boring, and I bet most of you are thinking “well, all anyone is going to look up is just ‘Japanese Knotweed’ plain and simple!” right?


I get the odd ‘gem’ of a word or phrase that pops up in my list of matched searched queries, that either make me giggle or confuse the heck out of me.

One such example – of which someone actually got our sponsored link and we were charged for – was ‘bear den’.

It turns out Google decided we should show up in the listings, as Mike once wrote a blog which contained the words ‘bear den’ – however, our ad that came up had nothing else to do with bears, so I am not sure what compelled the person to actually click our sponsored link…. but there you go.

Google would probably say we should thank them for getting people onto our site, but I think it’s daft that having only one recurrence of those words got us on Google.

…It’s a lesson to keep your website strictly to the matter at hand, and not go on about other things. Unless your website is about bears, then you can go on about them as much as you like.

As well as the random, we always get the usual “can (insert substance here) kill JK?” such as; Caustic soda, salt, Clinic ace, or even Diesel (I would hate to think what happened when someone use the latter on their garden).

Some other funny phrases include “wot kills not weed”, “will goats eat Japanese Knotweed”, “Japanese Knotweed b*ll*cks” (not sure what they were getting at there), and even the scientific likes of “what type of cell division does the japanese knotweed plant use for reproduction”.

If I knew the answer to the last question, I would not be here talking about funny words!

I wonder if anyone else suffers from random website visitors…


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Mike Clough

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