Mike Clough's Articles - Page 36

Quantity not quality …?
I had a conversation with one of the team today and got to reminiscing about some of the lads that…

Brexit? Bremain? But things will stay the same
There has reportedly been a significant shift to the Brexit camp recently, as certain interested groups have become increasingly negative…

Amenity Forum – Pitch Perfect for the Euros
How much attention will you pay to the pitches in the European Football Championships starting this week? Amenity Forum’s latest…

Online Security
I was recently contacted by Barclay’s fraud department who asked if could ring their team to discuss some transactions that…

Survey to Excavation (with a bit of history thrown in)
Happy 1st Anniversary to me! One year on, I thought I’d recap on one of the first jobs I won…

What’s the point of holidays? I’ve never really ‘got’ the whole ‘having a break’ thing …? If you have a…

What the critics said…
Last Wednesday, we held our annual seminar at The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. This year’s theme, ‘The…

The Four Ages of Man
Confusion, anger, complacency, grumpiness…I have recently taken a leap into stage four… please welcome Mr. Grumpy. This means that nothing…

The Others
We are rapidly approaching the date of our latest seminar titled ‘The Others’ which premieres at the Museum of Science…

I feel that going fishing gives a pretty good take on how the world works. Sometimes you do everything right…

Different ways of thinking ….
Stick a bunch of competing businesses in a room and expecting them to ‘get on’ isn’t really a recipe for…

Who actually runs the business??
Think about all the places you go, all the places you eat, shop, buy a car, hotels that you stay…