Mike Clough's Articles - Page 3

Don’t get constipated….
Mike Clough trying to save money …? Hmmm not something his wife has ever heard. Mike Clough’s typical mantra is…

Car Prices
Those of you odd people that read this blog will know that I like cars. Always have, always will –…

Four Yorkshiremen go to Work
The ‘Four Yorkshiremen’ is a famous parody sketch by the Month Python team parodying humble beginnings or difficult childhoods. It…

Sorry for those of you expecting a retirement speech from me – it’s just not happening. I’m perfectly happy doing…

Insurance Bollocks
Think to yourselves ‘What is insurance?…What’s it for…What does it do?’ I used to think insurance was for unexpected disasters…

Selling a House Nonsense
Why does it have to be so difficult to sell a house? Should it really need to be so painfully…

Technology is Killing Me…..
Soooo….how has my New Year been so far you ask? Well …it could have been better…it’s left me longing for…

Christmas Summary
Well, what a year that was. Suzanne – my trusty side kick – asked that I write a jolly blog…

I’ve been thinking for a while that I don’t like the way the world is heading. I have suspected that…

Where’s it come from?
It’s a fairly simple statement and one that’s easy to understand. Yet, land owners don’t always follow this thought process…

Highway Robbery
So, as I return to driving on the 14th of this month I sit here pondering – what have I…

Car Bullshit
I’m currently banned from driving for a collection of speeding offences. Nobody was hurt, nobody was at risk, all on…