Mike Clough's Articles - Page 19

This week I received an e-mail from my office telling me that Ann (our Head of Accounts) was … ‘on…

Don’t blame the car…
I feel that a lot of our current problems are being blamed on…the car. Whether it be environmental concerns or…

Don’t…. it’s not worth it.
I know I prattle on about the same things – so apologies for those of you that are frequent readers.…

Stop, think before you sign…
We have been losing work to some ridiculously low prices of late. When I say ridiculously low, I mean so…

Knotweed Lies Beneath
Japanese knotweed surface growth is merely the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the ground, the root system can spread up…

Low low low bargain prices ….
We all like a bargain, we all like a bit of discount, money off this, money off that – constantly…

Gimme de money…
As I’ve aged there have been certain points when I’ve had blinding flashes of understanding. Starting at school – when…

Many of you will be aware that I am a bit of a child when it comes to cars. I…

Why are we doing this …?
I have a feeling that the reasons for the treatment of Japanese knotweed have somehow been forgotten over the last…

Brexit woes…
Is it just me or is everything kind of grinding to a halt? Up until a few months ago we…

Fight back – sign up here.
I have a growing suspicion that earth is fucked. What you need to realise is that we are all being…

Bank says ‘yes’…
Shock, horror, hold the press, retract that blog. A couple of weeks ago I put a blog out that ridiculed…