Mike Clough's Articles - Page 16

Social Media **Use with Caution**
I have until recently, been a big fan of social media. I’ve adopted each new fad and taken them as…

It’s the people…. not the name.
Can we have a shout out for the people that matter. The people that meet and greet, the people that…

Eat Japanese Knotweed….it’s good for you
In the latest detailed reports produced by experts in a field it has been proven beyond all doubt that eating…

Getting things done…
It is my experience that getting something done requires one person who has the ability to make a decision. Once…

‘The doomsday clock is at a minute to midnight. The world is oblivious to the danger.’ This may sound like…
Christmas is cancelled.
Surely from an environmental point of view Christmas should just be cancelled? I’m surprised nobody has suggested it … Just…
The Clue’s in the Name
I often visit a great pub near Ashbourne in Derbyshire called The George – it nestles in a little village…

Public services…
I was round at my mum’s this morning and had to wade towards her front door. The drain was blocked…

Don’t you just love rumours? Years ago, I went into a new barbers in Glossop and parked my Aston Martin…

Sex is Dangerous
Did you know that every year people die whilst making love? Increased heart rate, over excitement all contribute to this…

New Invasive Species Legislation
The Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019 (“The Order”), which came into force on December 1st 2019 and…

Bad Endings….
Have you noticed how all the films on Netflix have really bad e ….. Mike C