Mike Clough's Articles - Page 11

I can remember my dad being sixty. I can remember thinking, bloody hell that’s old. I can remember thinking he…

Vaccines = do not read if easily offended
Just checking the list for whose been vaccinated – My mum – tick. Over 90’s – tick. Over 80’s –…

For every person that hates Japanese knotweed, there’s another that is ambivalent. For every person that understands the need to…

Have you ever fallen out with your bank? This happened to me about 30 years ago when I’d applied for…

What …is important…?
At times in your life, you must have asked yourself…if..I only had 24 hours to live …what would I do?…

This …will be the year that.
Well, I guess this will be the year that I try and change the way that things get done around…

Get yourself a Whelan
People often talk to me about how my business works and why it’s been successful. I would like to take…

Tooooo Safe?
Can there be such a thing as too safe? My current car (Audi) seems to think there is danger everywhere.…

Jeff Bezos
So… we know that Jeff Bezos (JB) is the richest man – IN THE WORLD. We know that he owns…

Well, that’s one less thing to worry about.
Japanese knotweed is dead. Well …it’s dead for the winter …only it isn’t really dead is it…? You knew this…

Crap, crap …. crap
Is crap the new black? Can anybody name me anything that’s actually improved in recent times? I’m talking pretty broad…

7 not 2
So, you’re all in a hump about having to stay 2 metres apart from people? Imagine if you lived in…