Mike Clough's Articles - Page 10

Husband Kills Wife Over Elephant’s Breath
House renovations folks, just say no….it’s definitely less stressful to just bite the bullet and move. Mrs. Clough and I…

Rare Earth
Not being one for conspiracy theories … (!)…. I must admit that I have been a little worried about the…

What ya gonna do….
Soooo… Lockdowns over, you’ve had your jab, you’ve had your brush with death and you’ve survived …. but what are…

Death…..and taxes…
Now I’m sorry if I’ve upset a few people here but you need to be told the truth. You may…

Raising Hell Since 1840

Electric Cars – Yes or No
So, many of you will know that I like cars. I have been a car fan since I was a…

Coming out…..
Much has been written recently about the bravery of people as they open up about their sexuality. Can I take…

Act like you’ve got it ….
I was looking at the recent NHS COVID campaign and thinking it would work well with Japanese knotweed. The tag…

Dog Training
Just thought I would drop in an update on the dog. Training is going well. I wake up about 7/7.30…

Have you ever been walking through one of the London parks and seen a parakeet? Maybe you’ve looked up and…

Alien vs Predator
In the future, the world has been overrun by invasive species. Plants were sent from the future to try and…

My wife has suggested that lockdown has not done my figure any good. Elasticated waistline pants and tracksuit bottoms have…