
And so this is Christmas ……and what have we learnt.

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 16th December 2015

Well for a start we have learned that as my mother once told me, as you get older time just flies by.

I can seriously remember thinking earlier this year that Japanese knotweed was just beginning to start growing… and now the season is over in a flash…

2015 has seen people leave, people join, jobs get won, jobs get lost….in a real roller coaster ride of ups and downs….yet through it all…no matter what…as I face the final curtain …my friend I’ll say it clear …….I’ve done it… my way.

Seriously though it never ceases to amaze me how somebody leaving – generally improves the company’s position. I always go through a phase of …’oh my god how will we cope without ……(insert name)…’

…but you know what …the problems are always short lived and the new member of the team always helps move the business in a positive direction. I guess the ‘company’ is a stronger unit than I give it credit for.

Enquiries have been handled more efficiently and professionally by the wonderful Suzanne and her team. Suzanne is an absolute legend at JKSL and continues to develop and grow within her role – if she ever finds out how good she really is …she’d be gone in an instant ….so don’t tell her.

We also have constantly had high praise of our receptionist Jamie and the chatty and wonderful Ruth – well done to you both.

Turnover is up on previous years …and so are our margins which I think is credit mainly due to one Alex Dayes whose understanding of costs and suppliers are second to none.

Alex you are also a legend in your own lifetime …

Cash flow has significantly improved – this is down to getting payment terms right (Mr Dayes and his team) and then getting the money in as has been promised ….credit due to Ms Ann Taylor and her team in accounts.

Jonathan has been a huge asset at JKSL –  (though since my mother said he looks like a young Kirk Douglass I can’t get the image out of my head) – as have Natalie and Stuart ….I expect great things from you all in 2016.

The boys on site have been massively under pressure this year but have risen to the challenge – hitting their targets with merciless accuracy …and apart from the odd power cable and the occasional knock in the vans ….they’ve had a cracking year.

The teams don’t organise themselves though and it’s the office team we have to thank for this efficiency – Chris Oliver has been tireless in his efforts to get to every site requiring are visit and new guy Rob is already showing promise in his supporting role.

Phil Whelan, Contracts Manager and my brother by another mother – has also been there …wherever and whenever required putting company before all else in his mission to keep JKSL at the top of the industry. thanks Phil – I love you.

I can’t really review 2015 without mentioning my wife.

She puts up with me being away from home most weeks, she puts up with me ringing her from all over the country complaining about traffic, she puts up with me being a grumpy old bastard who swears too much ….and she does all this with a smile on her face (most of the time)…so thank you Mrs Clough for still being there each time I return home. Thank you also for not hitting me in 2015 …it has been noted and appreciated.

So as the wine gets mulled and the turkey gets plucked – here’s wishing all our customers a Happy Christmas and a knotweed free New Year.

And finally in summary …I’ve learnt that humility and shyness have been undersold and that this is the way forward for Mike Clough.

Mike C

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Mike Clough

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