Knotweed News

JKSL Coronavirus Policy

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 18th March 2020

In this time of uncertainty, Japanese Knotweed Solutions Limited want to keep our clients and suppliers up to date with our business plan in relation to COVID-19.

Firstly, we want to let you know that it’s business as usual for Japanese Knotweed Solutions Ltd.

We have implemented a policy to deal with the current outbreak, in line with UK government advice and best practice. While we will be ensuring that, our staff follow the most up-to-date advice (including self-isolation where required), we currently have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the business and no known contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our networks (active JKSL work sites or JKSL staff households).

All our employees, both office and site teams have been and continue to be regularly updated on the situation as it evolves. They are doing everything they can to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and contain any potential risk.

Japanese Knotweed Solutions employees are working from home where this is appropriate and we have reduced all face-to-face meetings where we can, as well as organising our office to minimise the potential for transmission of any pathogen within the work environment.

As well as using hand sanitizers and hand washing, our site equipment, tools and vehicles are being disinfected as required and JKSL staff have ready access to the equipment they require to work safely. Furthermore our site staff are trained and experienced in implementing bio-control measures as part of our works. While the challenges presented by COVID-19 are significantly different to working with Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed or working on sites with asbestos-containing materials, JKSL’s considerable past experience in meeting these challenges is very helpful in making a quick transition to working methods adapted to the “new normal” of the potential threat of COVID-19.

As the Japanese knotweed growing season fast approaches, our re-visits teams are being prepared and getting ready to begin the new season of chemical treatments. Many of our sites are un-manned, or are set up so that our working areas can be accessed within minimal contact being necessary, and we are liaising with our clients to meet the government’s requirement to minimise interpersonal contact.

Of course, it helps that we are working outdoors!

If you have any requirements for JKSL’s visits to your site, please feel free to send these through to [email protected] . We are still around 30 days away from the start of our active planning phase, so we suggest that it’s OK to wait until April (even after Easter) to let us know how you plan to manage your sites over summer.

We are working together to get through this and we look forward to coming out on the other side.

Our offices remain open during business hours, with our team available at [email protected] and we anticipate there will be no major changes in our delivery to clients.

Team contacts:
Operations Team / Revisits – 07825374182
New enquiries – 07741 636 915
Accounts Team – 07917 016 884
Surveys – 07795386418

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Mike Clough

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